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Clickbait : a visual journey through AI-generated stories

Clickbait : a visual journey through AI-generated stories

Auteur(s) Simon Parmeggiani (Auteur (photographe))
Editeur(s) Jonglez
Date de parution : 05/09/2024

Quatrième de couverture :


A visual journey through AI-generated stories

A kaleidoscopic journey through time, space, and the many faces of reality. Stitched together from the looms of AI, this book represents the glorious marriage of machine precision and human creativity, producing a narrative both uncanny and exciting.

In these pages, you'll encounter worlds eerily familiar, yet deliciously off-kilter.

From the vibrant underwater fashion scene of Brooklyn to the perfume-soaked cabarets of 1970's Berlin, from the gas-masked gentility of parallel London to the sun-scorched villainy of Palm Springs, these stories weave a tapestry that's both recognizable and jarringly foreign.

This is the surreal meets the mundane, and the kitschy rubs shoulders with the sublime. Each story is a dollop of déjà vu, served with a side of uncomfortable excitement, the kind that tickles your senses and sets your heart aflutter.

In a world that has become all too predictable, these pages stand as a beacon of the strange, the kitschy, and the delightful. It invites you to tilt your head, squint your eyes, and behold reality anew. Let it lead you down the rabbit hole of the familiar yet unfamiliar, the safe yet edgy, and the mundane yet extraordinary.

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39.95 €
Livraison ou retrait librairie
Ean : 9782361956936
Pages : 220
Hauteur : 31.0 cm
Largeur : 31.0 cm
Epaisseur : 2.1 cm